Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

REVIEW : Gen Java Collodial Silver Soap

Gen Java Collodial Silver Soap

"A precious and fine skin soap should be Gen Java"

main ingredients : Vegetable soap chip,Natural Lyposome (extraction of Goat milk fat), Natural jojoba oil (Extraction of natural herb) Electrical Collodial Silver , Hyaluronic acid.

Collodial Silver has been reported to kill 650 micro germs, many of which are associated with human desease by many biologists.

Characteristic of "Gen Java" :
- This soap is neutral (very weak alkaline) soap that contains Natural components which is Natural Lyposome,Natural Jojoba, Electrical Collodial silver, vegetable soap chip.
- This doesn't sry the skin because it's made of a Natural ingredients
- This doesn't irritate because it is made of vegetable soap chip as the natural and neutral cleansing ingredients
- this can sterilize the dermatophyte on the skin and skin pores

wow description dari si sabun ini bilang bisa membunuh 650 micro germs, pertama agak gak percaya gitu, tapi ya coba2 aja beli, dan bener! abis cuci muka berasa bersih, keset tapi ga perih, halus TOP banget deh

- pas lagi cuci muka jangan digosok keras-keras karena bakal ngerusak tekstur kulit wajah kita
- sabun ini taruh di tempat sabun ya, soalnya kalo ditaruh ditempat yang basah dan lembab ga bakal maksimal hasilnya

+ wanginya soft
+ ampuh bikin wajah bersih, halus,gak perih
+ bentuknya gampang dipegang,transparan
+ packagingnya lucu ada bebeknya :p

- lumayan mahal untuk sabun batangan
- nothing!

repurchase? YES!

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